Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Things That Go Splash

Pictured above are three things that were successfully rescued after falling overboard. 
 Ball, successfully rescued by net, was one.  
Bottom of vacuum, successfully rescued by Maggie with the help of a borrowed dingy and kayak paddle, that's two. 
 And, Chopper, successfully rescued by Travis and his long arms, that makes three.
Time aboard: three weeks


judith said...

Hey I noticed you had commented on Meerkat... have you ever checked out the Sailing Knitter on my list? You'll love it.... they are about to pass through the Panama Canal. They started their voyage over 2 years ago with Heather and Jim.. Baha HaHa. Check them out, very exciting.

Travis and Maggie said...

I have, they are amazing. And her knitting is incredible! I really love that post about them trading stuff with local people. They find such cool spots! But I did see that they too grunted and sweated on their boat, and now look at them...but I didn't know they all started at the same time...

judith said...

The Sailing Knitter has mentioned the Baha HaHa before and I'm just assuming they all started out there. We'd probably have to ask Heather. The hubby says a boat is a hole you throw your money in, I think everyone who has one does the grunt work at sometime or another, but I'd still like to have one. We came close to doing it 27 years ago. I was pregnant with Jolea and we almost bought a big cruiser to live on, the lakes in Oklahoma are quiet big and many people live on boats in them. But now he doesn't care for the water, so that's a lost dream. At least Jolea is living it for me. I'd just like to live close to the coast.

Travis and Maggie said...

I have the opposite affliction, dream extreme!