Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Controlled Chaos

Today was another rainy day. Its been like that for about a week, which means no progress was made on Lucy Maru, the new boat, other then moving more stuff. Today, the little cart we bought to roll our stuff, was filled with books. It was all I could do to pull it up the dock. Travis has a "real job" now and so its up to me to move what I can when I'm not working, which is just fine with me. I'd rather be furthering the cause in ways other then a regular 9-5.
Working on Lucy Maru is completely different from Me Voy. For one, we can isolate the work areas, and still have a comfortable and clean living space. This is the galley space, that is also my computer station. I'm working on the upholstery, just learned how to "welt" and am liking the effect.
Billy and Chopper are awesome! They adjust to whatever we do, and seem to be as happy as ever. Especially Billy. He really seems to dig the quiet of the marina. No train whistles, no trucks thundering down the alley, and no Death Metal band living next door. Just ducks and seagulls here.. oh and the occasional belt sander, drill, and miter saw coming to life. 



Jim and Heather on Meerkat said...

Wow you two have taken on a lot! I do not envy you...
However we have been there!
Hope the rain goes away soon - we sure could use some to wash the rigging....

judith said...

Looks roomy!

Travis and Maggie said...

It is HUGE!

judith said...

Are you talking about the boat or the computer screen when you say it's huge....lol.

I can't come over here and look at these pictures... it makes me want to do the 3 S's. Scrub, sand and scrape. I love refinishing.