Monday, May 2, 2011

Misty Morning

 Spring is here, and with it come the emerald seas of pollen.  This urban paradise is breathtaking.


Anonymous said...

that's why i've been sneezing the past week...

Samantha said...

eek. our water only looks like that after the rain (which is probably more disgusting... but easier on the nose!)

judith said...

3 weeks ago my gray car was that color green.

Jim and Heather on Meerkat said...

Nothing like that in SoCal, but it looks like we might get some red tide.
The pics of the water are actually beautiful. Would make a lovely fabric!

Travis and Maggie said...

I'm there Heather, I thought it was quite beautiful too, like liquid green marble or that funky marbled paper.

I researched pollen a bit, and it looks nothing like this under the microscope. I don't know what kind of pollen this is, but the magnified photos of pollen looked like outer space creatures, spiky and mean. Evidently there are some flies and spiders that drink the pollen that lands on the water. Sort of like a pollen smoothie I guess.