Monday, October 29, 2012

Superstorm Sandy

Found a great site streaming live footage from the Storm. Now Tcan stop watching the wind indicator because Hurricane Sandy has turned into Superstorm Sandy. This means lesser winds, more rain and snow in points West. The biggest gust we've seen has been 47, and that was about an hour ago. She seems to be pestering.


Mid-Life Cruising! said...

Thinking of ya'll and wishing all of you the best! Tara looks so warm and cozy inside, and your previous post with Chopper in his rain gear ... so cute!

Looking forward to hearing all is well!

Colin said...

I see you made it ok. Question, it appears that you have read Bumfuzzles blog. What do you think of that dude? I finally read it after hearing so much about the blog. He really irks me but I am not sure what it is exactly.

Travis and Maggie said...

MLC- thanks, but just for clarification were are on board Me Voy, and Tara is sold. I know you know that, but it is confusing. Gotta change that blog header soon.

Colin, what do I think of Bumfuzzle Pat? I like his writing style, direct, honest and not giving a dime who and if he offends someone. His blog is entertaining, and the guy is pretty funny. At first I was irked that they called themselves bumfuzzle. Thought it was kinda misleading since they are pretty well off, but ... now I think of it in a Jimmy Buffet- kinda- bum- way, and admire them for living on their own terms. I think all of us who have chosen to live differently should stick together and find a common ground. Too many critics out there as it is!

Colin said...

Yeah, he's out there and I'm bustin' my ass. Must be jealous!!

Mid-Life Cruising! said...

Oops! You're right, I meant Me Voy ... must be that "brain fog" I've been living with lately. Some tell me it's menopause .. sad but true! LOL!