Monday, May 7, 2012

Hauling Booty

 Even though there is so much to say about the awesome haul out experience we just had, all I can remember from today was this... 

...hauling booty up the Chesapeake in  20 knots

...then changing the pace and cruising the Inner Harbor 

... boat yard, what boat yard?


Gremlins Hammer said...

Your deck looks so roomy.

Travis and Maggie said...

Except for the sloppy lines and sheets you mean?

judith said...

Woo Hoo! That looks like awesome fun.

Travis and Maggie said...

We might throw off the dock lines yet! I can honestly say that I can see how people just want to sail, sail sail. You can forget all about the world and just sail on, totally engrossed, present and satisfied.